Would you stay on a job in which you are required to provide your own supplies in order to do your job? No, you're not a Teacher.
Would you stay on a job where you are promised a raise but you don't get it? No, you're not a Teacher.
Notice what each question has in common, in each instance Teachers pockets are impacted.
One instance I remember from my teaching days that I found especially egregious. First, I need to give a little background on one aspect of teacher pay. Teachers get a salary for working the regular school year. A portion of that salary is deducted from their pay each pay period to continue their salary during the summer break.
For example, assume you make $1200 per year for 10 months work; that's $120 per month. But to provide equal pay each month your boss pays you $100 per month and keeps the extra $20 to pay you the two months you don't work. This is how teachers in Chicago are paid.
A few years ago, while I was teaching, Chicago changed the date that teachers were paid. To do so, they took a week from the teachers set aside salary to pay teachers for the pay date change.
Back to our example, $200 was taken from the teachers pay but they only received $195 back.
I'm a CPA, have a Masters in Finance and in Information Systems Management. I worked in both Finance and Information Systems Management before becoming a High School Math teacher. I can assure you it was not necessary either from a finance or technology standpoint to reduce the amount teachers were paid to make a pay date change. Did you hear of protests when this happened?
Would YOU stay on a job in which your employer took money from your pay for their benefit? No, you're not a Teacher.
Chicago Teachers are set to go on strike tomorrow because a contract cannot be reached. Teacher pay is one of the items still outstanding. Teachers have agreed to a longer school year and a longer school day, don't they deserve a decent increase in pay? I say, TEACHERS DESERVE TO GET PAID.
While I can understand that striking and keeping kids out of school is not good, I also recognize that you can only beat someone up so much before they fight back. Give 'em heck, Karen Lewis, CTU President, TEACHERS DESERVE TO GET PAID.